This website is developed by Arno Cellarier.
Contact me at [email protected]
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This website use Google Analytics to collect usage analytics data. IPs adresses are anonymized, and the lifetime of the data was set at 2 months (minimum authorized by Google Analytics). The data is not sent directly to Google, it passes through an intermediary located in Europe, in order to maximize confidentiality, more info here.
The telephone numbers collected are only used to confirm your identity. They are in no way shared. So that you do not have to verify your identity at each visit, the verified telephone numbers are recorded, as well as the date of the first verification, and the date of the last verification. If you wish to delete this data, please send an email to this address : [email protected] (response within 14 days max)
The source of your first visit is recorded in your browser, and is used in the subject of the email when you click on the "send an email" button, in order to know from which site the users who send emails come. If you don't want to share this info, just change the subject of the email.
If you have any concerns about our use of your personal information, you can make a complaint to us at [email protected]